Interlock Rules
Our umpires have to work with a variety of rules across the district. Games are mostly played “by the book”, but there are options that the book requires leagues to decide on. We have tried very hard to make these rules as consistent as possible across the District, but there are always small difference.
These are all the ONLY interlock playing rules for the district. If an interlock game doesn’t play by one of these sets of rules, then it isn’t an Official Game.
Please note that the summaries are provided as a quick reference, but the individual rules documents are always the final arbiter.
These softball rules apply across the entire district for the specified level:
SUMMARY of rules, all levels
Seniors Softball
Majors Softball
Coast Softball
AAA Softball
AA Softball
A Softball
SUMMARY of rules, all levels
Small Diamond – Majors, Coast, AAA, Minors, etc
Big Diamond – Intermediates, Juniors, Seniors