The first day of a tournament is filled with excitement and nervousness, for everyone. We can’t help you call the nerves of your players, but we can make it a little easier for you, the manager. Here are some reminders for your first game of the tournament:

Fill out the contact form!

First, fill out the manager contact form (and have your coaches fill it out too) 

Show Up Early!

You need to be at the tournament table 1 hour before every game, but on the first day you need to be there even earlier — be there at least 1:15 before scheduled game time. There’s a lot of material to cover AND you will need to pick up and fill out your first lineup card.

Coin Flip, Home Team

The home team is determined by a coin flip 1 hour prior to the scheduled start of the game. If you are not at the tournament table on time, you will probably lose the coin flip.

The home team always occupies the 3rd base dugout.

District 9 Line-up Cards

You must use an official 4-part district 9 lineup card for every game. For the first game, you will get this lineup card 1:15 before the schedule game start. You will then get a blank lineup card at the end of the game when you come to the tournament table to initial your pitching record.

Put every player on your lineup. If they are absent, put them at the very bottom and mark them absent.

Put player numbers and positions for every player. Use position numbers. 

Put the manager, coaches, and president on the lineup.

Bring Your Book Always

The Book contains your affidavit, player verification forms, maps, combination forms, waivers, etc. Everything that was checked and signed off on before the tournament started needs to be in this book and with you at every game. You will leave the pitching record and affidavit at the tournament table before every game (1 hour before game time, 1:15 on the first day).

Confirm Your Pitching Record!

At the end of every game, make sure you promptly report to the tournament table to confirm and initial the pitching record for the game. This is your only chance to challenge and/or fix any mistakes in the pitching record. Remember, this record will determine how many days rest your players require! Don’t show up at the next game and try to challenge the record. It won’t end well.

No Batting Anywhere

Unless you are the host league, there is no batting anywhere at the complex hosting the tournament. Not on the game field. Not on unused fields. Not in the parking lot. Not in the street. Not even whiffle balls. This includes players AND adults.

If you are the host league, you can practice on unused fields (but NOT the game fields) since this is your field.

If there are batting cages at the complex, it’s up to the host league who uses them (if anyone) and when — work it out.

The only time a coach/manager can hit a ball with a bat is during the team’s reserved 10 minute infield practice before the game. The announcer will tell you when to take the field.

Scorekeepers and Announcers

At EVERY GAME you should have someone that can keep score (with a D9 provided paper scoresheet) AND someone that can announce. The home team will provide the official scorekeeper and the visiting team will provide the announcer. Both of these people will sit at the official scorekeeping table behind home plate.

The coin flip will determine which team is the home team, so you won’t know until 1 hour before the game if you will need to provide a scorekeeper or an announcer.

We will not start the game without BOTH a scorekeeper and an announcer.

Adults CANNOT Warm Up Pitchers

Unlike the regular season, adults cannot warm up pitchers in the tournament. Only player-catchers can warm-up a pitcher AT ANY TIME (before and during the game).

Catchers MUST Wear Proper Catcher’s Mask

Any player acting as a catcher MUST wear a proper catcher’s mask. The dangling throat protector is always required.

Acting as a catcher means crouching and warming up a pitcher. It also means standing next to an adult that is hitting balls to players during the infield warmup. If the player is standing next to the coach shagging balls, they are acting as a catcher and MUST have a catcher’s mask on.