If you missed the meeting, you can watch the recording here: All Star Managers Meeting-20240531_190811-Meeting Recording.mp4

Every year before all-stars, ALL MANAGERS need to attend one of the two mandatory managers meetings. We go over important information that EVERY MANAGER is expected to know for the tournament. We encourage presidents and coaches to attend as well.

We will cover expectations of the managers, coaches, and teams. We will also cover tournament rules and guidelines. If you show up to your games and don’t know this information, we will be off to a very rocky start, including delaying the start of games or postponing games completely!

If you are an all stars manager, you MUST attend one of the following meetings (even if you have attended a meeting in a previous year!)

Thursday, May 30 at 7pm at the Lake Washington Resource Center, Sammamish
Friday, May 31 at 7pm at the Lake Washington Resource Center, Board Room